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Important Things to Communicate to Your Clients as a Virtual Assistant

Effective and clear communication is key to a successful client relationship! First things first, you shouldn’t wait to communicate these things once you’re already working together! 😉 

These are a few of the things I make sure  to communicate on the discovery call AND on the onboarding call. AND it’s a good idea to have it in your contract/welcome packet too! 

  1. Your working hours + days - Make sure your clients know your timezone and your working hours. It can be 9-5pm or 10-4 pm. Remember you’re a business owner, not an employee, you get to decide what works for you! Taking Friday’s off CAN be a thing if you want it to be!

  2. Your preferred method of communication - No, you do not have to give your clients your phone number. You can choose methods like Slack, Voxer, or email for communicating with clients. Just make sure this is clearly communicated!

  3. How + when they can expect work from you - I love to operate off of deadlines and I make sure all of my clients know that I can’t ever promise to accommodate anything “urgent” that needs to be done “asap”. As a business owner, you get to decide how to manage your time.

Clearly communicating with your clients will lead to a strong and successful client relationship and you will be so grateful you communicated from the beginning! If a client has an issue with any of the things communicated, it may be a sign!! 🚩

By clearly defining your working hours, preferred communication methods, and workflow expectations upfront, you set the stage for successful relationships built on mutual understanding and respect!

Important Things to Communicate to Your Clients

Important Things to Communicate to Your Clients as a Virtual Assistant

Important Things to Communicate to Your Clients as a Virtual Assistant


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