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Is the Language You’re Using Attracting High Paying Clients?

Even though you already have a client or two and you’re doing all the right things to bring in new clients, you’re feeling discouraged because your current clients are still paying you hourly and the only inquiries you’re getting are for low budget clients… I GET IT.

And maybe now you’re doubting yourself. Do I have enough experience to work with high ticket clients? Or maybe business owners only pay VAs hourly?

I promise you that’s not true. The REAL reason this keeps happening is because you don’t know how to speak to your dream clients directly or what language to use to attract them. (And it’s not the phrases we hear recycled by most virtual assistants all over social media like “I’m here to give you your time back.”)

Your content hasn’t spoken directly to the problems that high ticket clients face or positioned you as the GO-TO person to solve their problems. 

The language you NEED to be using to attract and convert high ticket clients has to be SPECIFIC to the problems they’re facing in their business and the transformation they are looking for (that they will get if they hire you).

Being specific with the language you use in your content doesn’t mean just saying what tasks or services you can offer your client (that’s a mistake I see a lot of VAs making). 

Once those high ticket clients KNOW that you’re the person who can help them, there’s NOTHING getting in the way of you becoming completely booked out, having a steady income monthly and working with clients who value you and what you bring to the table.

So if you’re ready to STOP working hourly and only getting inquiries from low budget clients, and instead start attracting high ticket clients that will find your Instagram and book a discovery call with you without even chatting to you beforehand, click HERE to work with me 1:1 and let’s talk about how you can achieve that in the next 3 months together!

Is the Language You're using Attracting High Paying Clients?

Is the Language You're using Attracting High Paying Clients?

Is the Language You're using Attracting High Paying Clients?


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