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The #1 Thing Keeping You From Landing Clients

Here it is plain and simple: CLARITY.

Your potential clients want to know WHO you help, how you help, and why you're different.

When I first launched my business, I struggled with this too.

This one thing changed everything for me: I got super clear on who I was helping, how I was helping them, what I had to offer, and how I was different.

If you’re struggling to land clients as a virtual assistant, you may need to sit down and get super clear on this again.

Especially the last one. How are you different?

Are there a lot of Virtual Assistants? Of course. But there are way more businesses in NEED of Virtual Assistants.

When you’re super clear on the above things, you show up differently on social media, and emails, and on connect calls.

You show up with clarity and confidence, and it comes across to your potential clients.

So, here's your homework. Go it down and answer those questions! Take some time today to get clarity on these things so you can show up with clarity and attract those dream clients.

Do you need a little help knowing what sets you apart as a Virtual Assistant?

You can take my FREE QUIZ to discover exactly what you should be offering to potential clients and why.

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Feb 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This was so eye opening!!

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